Sunday, June 10, 2007

Early June rant...

Sales pretty much stopped for me for about two week, but the end of this past week I had some more sales. As I've read on the Etsy forums, if you stop listing new items, sales and views seem to decline. I definitely agree...

I bought a bunch more beads today (I know I shouldn't, but I just can't resist...) Anyway, I'm going to try to add new listings every day or every other day this week, to see how much frequent listing of items actually helps sales in my shop.

I am waiting to hear from octarine about whether she got the promos that I sent out -- hopefully those will start going out to people soon, and maybe I will see an increase in sales from that too :)

That's about it for now... When I get around to putting some stuff together and taking some pictures, I'll post some of my newest stuff on here.

1 comment:

fizzycat said...

Nice site cool jewelery thanks for comment on Haloscan Fizzy.