Monday, March 12, 2007

A new start...

This is the start of a new project for me. Since last fall I have really gotten back into making jewelry -- bead stuff, hemp, bracelets, necklaces... all sorts, really. Well, the "casual hobby" has gotten to be a bit expensive, so I've decided that I need to sell some of my stuff to help finance my growing addiction. This blog will be a way for me to chronicle my experiences -- successes, failures, frustrations, new ideas... everything that comes along with running a little side business while still going to school full time and working 2 jobs.

Wish me luck!


gRamiraf said...

Hi! I just came to have a look. Yes, I will start writing a short blog about this site when you have enough pages to show off. by the way, I am adding your link to my list.

gRamiraf said...

By the way, I have formally welcomed you to the world of blogging. Read it at